Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World: Integral Spirituality �Ken Wilber's most cutting-edge work on religion since The Marriage of Sense and Soul (1998)�answers the question: how can we validate the existence of spiritual realities in the face of modern and postmodern attacks that deny those realities as unscientific or reduce them to social constructions?
by Ken Wilber
An Alchemy of Mind: The human psyche fascinates revered naturalist and poet Ackerman as much as any other aspect of the grand carnival of life, hence this agile, involving, and uniquely far-ranging and insightful inquiry into "how the brain becomes the mind."
by Diane Ackerman
Man's Search for Meaning: Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Referred by Sylvia Huber, an enthusiastic Talkinc fan.
The Sea: An elegantly written work of narrative genius, The Sea, is a sublime study of love and death, grief and anger, memory and meaning. Ultimately, it is one man's attempt to use his past to purify his present. It speaks to every person's need to chart and navigate his or her particular journey across the "sea of life."
by John Banville |
No Time: Stress and the Crisis of Modern Life:
Unravel the crisis of meaning and accountability threatening to paralyze society today. See a link between various diseases of our times-from stress and depression among adults to Attention Deficit Disorder in kids.
by Heather Menzies |
The History of Love
by Nicole Krauss |
Mediated: How the Media Shapes Your World and the Way You Live in It
by Thomas De Zengotita |
What Should I Do With My Life?: the True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question
by Po Bronson |
Coming to Our Senses: Healing Ourselves and the World Through Mindfulness
by Jon Kabat-Zinn |
Who Moved my Cheese: An Amazing Way To Deal With Change In Your Work And In Your Life
by Spencer Johnson |
How the Way We Talk Can Change the Way We Work: Seven Languages for Transformation
by Robert Kegan & Lisa Laskow Lahey |
Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine
by Marilyn Schlitz (Author) |
The Next Enlightenment: Integrating East and West in a
New Vision of Human Evolution
by Walter Truett Anderson (Author), Walt Anderson (Author)
Integral Psychology
by Ken Wilber (Author)
Boomeritis: a Novel That Will Set You Free!
by Ken Wilber (Author)
Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology
to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment
by Martin E.P. Ph.D. Seligman (Author) |
Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change
by D. E. Beck, Christopher C. Cowan |
The Future of the Self: Inventing the Postmodern Person
by Walter Truett Anderson (Author),
Walt Anderson (Author)
Wherever You Go There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in
Everyday Life
by Jon Kabat-Zinn (Author) |
The Stirring of Soul in the Workplace
by Alan Briskin (Author)
Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic
World Revised
by Margaret J. Wheatley (Author) |
Fire and Ice: The United States, Canada and the Myth of
Converging Values
by Michael Adams (Author) |
Quantum Mind: The Edge Between Physics and Psychology
by Arnold Mindell (Author)
Better Living: In Pursuit of Happiness from Plato to Prozac
by Mark Gerald Kingwell (Author)
In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life
by Robert Kegan (Author)
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less
by Barry Schwartz (Author) |
The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time,
Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
by Jim Loehr (Author), Tony Schwartz (Author) |
Progress Paradox: How Life Gets Better While People Feel Worse
by Gregg Easterbrook (Author)
Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour: Key Concepts,
Skills and Best Practices
by Robert Kreitner (Author), Angelo Kinicki (Author), Nina Cole (Author)
The Soul's Code: in Search of Character and Calling
by James Hillman (Author) |
Becoming Human
by Jean Vanier (Author)
for Creative Work - by Jock Abra (Author) |