TalkInc Articles
June, 2006
Sympathy sees and says `I'm sorry', Compassion feels and whispers,
`I'll help'.
Earlier this month my friend Vanessa Fisher
went away on a retreat at an ashram and asked
me to research and writeup an essay about conflict
and strife in our world that she could forward
to her circle of compassionate companions.
June, 2005
Sometimes Little is Big Making a difference doesn't need to be about the big things, the little things will do just fine.
May, 2005
Seeing and Being Your Core Social Values
By attending to and appreciating your core values as a daily practice and surrounding yourself with people who hold similar values you can create a happier and healthier life that is more pleasant, engaged and meaningful.
April, 2005
Cash is King
Running a business takes cash. With it, you're free to do as you please. Without it, you end up trying to please others. Essentially cash is like a king or queen - it royally rules all of its constituents and governs all of their possibilities.
March, 2005
Seeing the "up" in the "down" side of living
Can you remember the last time you hurt so badly that you felt like you were going to die? You were so "down" it felt as if things would never feel "up" again. Sure you can. All of us can because that's life. As we continue along the life cycle, life teaches us that suffering is a part of living.
February, 2005 Giving Gratitude is Graciously Gratifying Have you ever noticed how the past keeps appearing in the present? Often without even knowing we're doing it, we're ruminating and/or daydreaming about things gone past. If we're ruminating, the past is probably making us miserable and if we're daydreaming, the past is probably making us happier. We all want to be happier. So here's two ways you can put the past to work for your happiness.
January, 2005 Your Realized Resolutions
Well another year is upon us and if you're like most people those oh so bright resolutions you made during the celebrations and festivities of that New Year's Eve party are slowly dimming in your memory. We've all had good intentions...
December, 2004 Using a dynamic diary as a dialogue for discovery Do you have a special someone in your life you'd really like to chat with but the timing is never right for either of you? Let technology help.
December, 2004 An Experiment in Time Ever think that time is spending you more than you are spending time?
November 2004 Making Happiness Happen Ever wondered how you can become happier? Research shows that each of us can make happiness happen more often in our lives. Here's how...
July 2004 Case Study - A detailed account of the TalkInc organizational consulting process and expected outcomes (Adobe PDF - 35 kb)
A Proposed Study of Hypnagogia (PowerPoint - 107kb)
Aging and The Sense of Self (PowerPoint - 183kb)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (PowerPoint - 427kb)
Courtship_Sales (PowerPoint - 248kb)
Creative Thinking during Changing Times (PowerPoint - 265kb)
Lucid Dreaming and You (PowerPoint - 1.1mb)
Mapping Marketing (PowerPoint - 114kb)
Studying the Dreamseekers (PowerPoint - 1.1mb)
Who am I now (PowerPoint - 98kb)